Serpil Turhan -
24 Sep @ 14:00 -
Vue Wood Green -
90 mins -
German, Turkish, Kurdish with English Subtitles -
Germany, North Kurdistan
Part of the London Kurdish Film Festival Strand
KÖY (Turkish for village) is about the longing for belonging, for home, for security and the freedom of the self. This film focuses on the stories of three women from three different generations. They are united by their origin, coming from small villages in eastern Turkey.KÖY shows excerpts from different lives and fragments of the ordinary. It tells a story of development, of three women’s decisions and how life responds to them. Hêvîn, Saniye and Neno do not meet, but their stories are linked when it comes to self-determination and belonging.
KÖY (bi kurdî gund) di hesreta aîdiyetê, malê, ewlehiyê û azadiya xwe de ye. Ev fîlm li ser çîrokên sê jinên ji sê nifşên cuda radiweste. Ew ji aliyê eslê xwe ve yek in, ji gundên biçûk ên rojhilatê Tirkiyê tên. Ew çîroka pêşveçûnê, biryarên sê jinan û jiyan çawa bersivê dide wan vedibêje. Hêvîn, Saniye û Neno hev nas nakin, lê dema ku behsa xwerêveberî û aîdiyetê tê kirin çîrokên wan bi hev ve girêdayî ne.